We develop unique products to accelerate and refine the construction of our racking systems


Advanced technologies and equipment

To remain a leader in our field, it is very important to overcome any specifics on a project and ensure our work is most effective and we use only quality equipment. We have been recently focusing on creating new tools to help our projects on daily basis and to show our clients that they have the right partner by their side.


Accurate digital spirit level

Our latest innovation is the spirit level which is providing exact measurements across all our shuttle system projects. Measurements from the project are being done throughout the execution and small deviations can be immediately fixed. Currently, we operate a total of 10 spirit levels and the measurement is done by a skilled measuring technician and a report is provided to the client.

Easier transportability over the ARTUR trolley, low weight

Fully functional application which provides measurements report for clients in no time

Enough spirit levels and trained measurement technicians to be present at every shuttle system project

Continuously upgraded models with better features



We have engineered our own unique technological robot which allows accurate rack measurement and data evaluation within seconds. Our development of this tool started in 2014, and we have been evaluating client installations and structure tolerances with it ever since.

Fast and precise measurements of rails tolerances

One person setup and operation

Provides real time onsite/offsite data analytics

Data is presented via the ARTUR app dashboard


Other products we develop

Apart from the above tools our team have at their disposal to use on projects, we are also designing our versions of lifting devices and beams. These function very well on our machinery and help assemblers work more effectively. In case you have a question you wish to discuss with our R&D team, kindly email directly at